(Català) Network of Observers of Human Rights Violations

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The Network of Observers of Human Rights Violations in the context of Protest is made up of 70 people. The Network was created in Barcelona at the end of September 2017 to monitor in the streets the violations of human rights that could occur during the mobilizations related to the celebration of the referendum on October 1, whether concentrations, demonstrations or popular actions of civil disobedience.

The observers have specific training in Human Rights observations and various protocols of action, and perform their task of monitoring with visible identification. Observer people gathered information (data, testimonies and graphic evidence). Once systematized, this information has allowed, thanks to a multidisciplinary support team, the publication of a report on the violation of civil and political rights and legal and psychological follow-up of some cases.

In a context of social conflict, the observation of rights and the legal and psychosocial support, are basic elements to protect in a comprehensive way the rights of participants in public demonstrations.

The initiative is born of a proposal from the Platform “Defender a quien defiende” (Defending who Defends) that promotes training in civil and political rights and their defense, and in a special way the right to protest.


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